I can't believe my baby is already 1 year old. This year has flown by so fast. I planned a fun playdate for his birthday celebration. He caught the sniffles a few days before, so instead of the 15 people that I originally planned for we had only a few. We still had a good time though. He's just like his mommy in that he'd rather have the icing than the cake. Happy Birthday Aiden!!
Ooooo, what are those?
Make a wish!
How many babies can play with the walker at a time?
At one of the local libraries in Baltimore they have a really neat educational exhibit called Storyville. Young children can come to explore different areas to play and learn. There are books at each station relevant to that activity with a small children's library in the back. They have an infant area with baby board books and some toys. We went when Aiden was about 4 months old and took another trip back in January. He's still a little too little for it, since he's not walking yet but we had a good time with our friends. He kept trying to put everything in his mouth, so I spent most of the time taking things away from him so he didn't drool on everything. We did have a milestone while we were there - he figured out how to climb stairs!