Even though it's only been three weeks or so since my last post it seems like it's been an eternity. I still just can't get over how quickly time flies and how quickly Aiden is changing and evolving into his own little personality. We have had a very busy past couple of weeks. I'm trying to get out more and make friends with other mommies. Aiden will have a lot of little friends to grow up with! Aiden first noticed the bugs hanging out with him in his car seat a couple of weeks ago as well as the crib mirror we finally hung up. It was so cute to see his little eyes light up as he realized he had some little friends with him. I was so glad the camera was so close!
He has also found his fingers and hands and will suck on them to soothe himself when he's getting sleepy or just because they're there. Now if he could just find them when he's screaming and needs to go to sleep. I'll let him cry for 15 minutes or so hoping he'll find them, but alas he does not. I give him the pacifier and he immediately relaxes and can go to sleep. He hasn't figured out that he has his own pacifier attached to himself.
Bedia is getting used to sharing her area rug and can't help but lick Aiden when he's playing on the floor. She continues to do so well around him and knows to be gentle.
Well, hello Mr. Bee
We blessed Aiden at church on Mother's Day. My parents and brothers came out for the event. Aiden looked so cute in his little white suit. We forgot to take the camera to church, so we took pictures as soon as we got home. He was so sleepy, so we were lucky to get a teeny, tiny smile in one picture. It was nice to get to see my mom on Mother's Day. It took a while for it to sink in that I was now a mother and got to celebrate as well. While Mammaw and Pappaw were here to babysit, Jameson and I went to see Ironman 2 with my brothers. It was nice to be out without having to worry about the baby plus it gave Aiden some quality time with his grandparents.
Aiden has had pretty good head control since he was born and he's to the point now where he can hold his head up and pretty steady while holding him. He can also lift his head about 90 degrees off the floor and is starting to try to push his chest off the ground with his arms.
Who is that?!
My favorite part of the day is when Aiden smiles at me, or at anything for that matter, but especially at Mommy! I'm always looking for new ways to get a smile out of him. He's most smiley in the morning, but in the evenings for Daddy we'll try to put on a show. I've been trying to teach Aiden to open his mouth wide to breastfeed. Babies are able to mimic their parents, so I say "open wide" and then open my mouth wide like an "ahhh." Well, me being me, when I do that I naturally sing a note. When I sing my note Aiden lights up and gives me a big smile. The higher the note the better! He stares at my mouth and then back to my eyes as if trying to figure out how I'm doing that. It's the cutest thing and Daddy caught him on camera.
C above middle C is a favorite
Happy baby with full tummy and tired Mommy
Aiden and I napping together
Our future Boilermaker - GO BOILERS!!
It's so much fun to see you being a Mommy! I knew you were going to be great at it. He's growing so fast!