Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Aiden in June

I can't believe that Aiden is going to be 4 months old in just a couple of days.  He is doing all kinds of new things and growing to be a big boy.  Here are some of my favorite pictures from this month.

He really gets a kick out of Mr. Bee and likes to smile and laugh at him.

Aiden helping Daddy to get the internal antenna to work.  His first of many projects with Daddy.

Aiden thought it was pretty funny when Bedia started to lick Daddy's face and it tickled.

Talking to Mommy

It's Superbaby flying through the air and drooling on Mommy

I took Aiden swimming for the first time at the beginning of the month with some girlfriends and their babies.  The water was pretty cold, but Aiden didn't care.  He LOVED swimming with Mommy.  I'd float him in front of me and travel around the pool while he just smiled and laughed.  Towards the end his bottom lip started quivering from the cold water, but he didn't care and kept right on smiling!  We started swimming lessons last week and he loved that too.  We're hoping to have a water baby that will love the water as much as we do.  

I'm ready Mommy - let's go SWIMMING!!

His first time trying the Bumbo seat and he did pretty well keeping his head steady and not falling over.

Chillin' with Daddy

We're all ready for Purdue football - TOUCHDOWN!

Aiden thought it was pretty cool to be looking at his toys from a new angle.  Too fun!

I love this picture of my little man.  He's too cute!

Mommy & Me

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