Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bedia the Protector

Jameson and I have been watching the show "Life" on Animal Planet.  Each week talks about something different in nature and this particular week was on reptiles and amphibians.  They talked about the komodo  dragon and showed a piece on one hunting a large game animal.  Supposedly dogs can't watch TV and I've always agreed with that until this day.  When that komodo dragon came on the screen Bedia followed it with her eyes with her ears perked up and on guard.  After a couple of minutes she started barking at it!  She was using her protection bark that she uses in the backyard to scare off any predators.  This is what she was born to do.  After it went off the screen she'd lay down, but as soon as it would come back she was up in front of the TV again barking at it telling it to go away!!  

It was hilarious and Jameson and I couldn't stop laughing.  Once we got a hold of ourselves we had to correct the behavior, because we don't want her barking at the TV every time there's an animal on it.  Sure enough, the other day I was watching Sweet Home Alabama and when the bloodhound starting barking Bedia barked right back at it.  Our little puppy is growing up into the protector we were hoping for.  She's 10 months old today, 85 pounds and still has some growing to do.  Anatolians don't fully mature until they're about 2 years old.  She's tall enough that she can rest her head on the dining room table.  She loves to go for walks and to go to the dog park to play.  

Everyone always asks how she does with Aiden, and she is a very good girl.  For the most part she just wants to lick him.  She naps most of the day and becomes more energetic and playful when Daddy comes home.  She's such a good dog and we still love her to pieces and look forward to getting her a playmate in a few years.  

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